The Fluid Biomarker Core (FBMC) is a core facility of the Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC). The FBMC is the biorepository for CSF and plasma samples (fasted) collected under Knight ADRC projects, including both the Memory and Aging Project (MAP) and the Healthy Aging and Senile Dementia (HASD) project.
The FBMC provide CSF and plasma samples (fasted) to researchers who have had a tissue request approved by the Knight ADRC Biospecimen Committee to both researchers at Washington University and researchers outside the university. Please see below for the Knight ADRC procedures, guidelines, policies for tissue request from the Fluid Biomarker Core. Additionally, the links to these resources can be found on the Resources page of the FBMC website.
The ADRC Biospecimen Committee meets the second Monday of January, March, May, July, September and November each year. The schedule is subject to change; please check with the Knight ADRC Project Manager to confirm dates.
Marissa Streitz
Knight ADRC Project Manager
Phone: 314-286-2433
Step one: before drafting request materials we ask that any potential requestee search to see if Knight ADRC resources have been used to answer their same research question to avoid duplication of effort, potential conflict, and unnecessary consumption of tissue banked in the FBMC.
Search Existing Knight ADRC Tissue Requests
- If there is an existing tissue request that investigates your research question of interest, please submit a data request to the Biostatistics Core. Details on this process can be found on the Knight ADRC Request Center website as well as the guidelines and policies document for requesting Knight ADRC resources. Available data can be found on the websites linked in step 2 below.
- If there is not an existing tissue request that t investigates your research question of interest, please move on to step 2.
Step two: If there is not an existing tissue request that explores the research question of interest please read the Knight ADRC guidelines and data available website and PDF to determine if the FBMC biorepository contains the tissue of interest for your request.
Step three: After determining that there is not an existing tissue request that explores your research question and determining that the FBMC biorepository contains the tissue type of interest for your request you can begin to prepare your tissue request for review by the Knight ADRC Biospecimen Committee. Please review the Knight ADRC guidelines and policies document for requesting Knight ADRC resources before drafting materials for you tissue request. Additionally, please note the deadlines pertaining to including the proposed tissue request in funding proposals and regulatory documentation that may be required as they pertain to you request.
Step four: Before submitting your tissue request materials please note the following deadlines for communication with Knight ADRC leadership and administration regarding your tissue request.
- Two (2) months prior to submission of your request to Biospecimen: Consult with the Fluid Biomarker Core Leader. Dr. Schindler’s contact information can be found on the “Contact Us” tab of the FBC webpage
- Four (4) weeks prior to submitting your request please contact Marissa Streitz (314-286-2433;
- Four (4) weeks prior to submitting grant application to outside agency: Submit Letter of Intent to the Executive Director (details of this letter can be found in the reporting requirements of the Knight ADRC guidelines and policies document for requesting Knight ADRC resources)
Step five: Submit your tissue request with the webform that can be found on the bottom of the Request Center Resources page accompanied by a research description (3 page max). Please note the following submission deadlines:
- Webforms should be submitted two (2) weeks before the next Biospecimen Committee meeting.
- Submit your request by the 15th of even-numbered months (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) to be considered at the committee meeting in odd numbered months.
The FBMC charges $11.07per aliquot. The price is determined by a yearly cost analysis to align the price of this service with the costs incurred by the FMBC to fulfill tissue disbursements to investigators. There is an additional 20% overhead charge for investigators outside of Washington University.
All invoices are due for payment 30 days after fulfillment of the tissue disbursement. Payments may be made by check or electronic payment (ACH transfer). Additionally, there may be a fee for investigators that chose to utilize electronic payments for international transfers.